Pam Sher

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since Dec 04, 2016
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We (my husband and I) have found Eli Rogosa's book Restoring Heritage GrainsRestoring Heritage Grains very useful. She mainly talks about einkorn. Gene Logsdon in  his book Small-Scale Grain RaisingSmall Scale Grain Raising recommends 1/6/acre for one bushel, but this is very rough--all depends on where you are. As we get more fluent with raising heritage/ancient grains, seeing which can naturalize without becoming weedy, I'm going to look into "guerrilla seeding" a la Bill Mollison in appropriate places. We have found raising buckwheat no problem except for deer, but again it all depends on
cell 1cell 2
local conditions.
Hi Joseph,

Awesome that your family's been doing that and you are continuing the tradition! Great responses to your question, too.

We are also, thanks to the Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance, encouraging backyard growing of grains by regular folks up here at 8300'-9200' in the Colorado Rockies. So my question for you is: where are you (approximately, so we can see how similar our growing situation might be to yours)? At what altitude are you? What is your climate and topography and how is it changing? What's worked over the years and what changes do you see in the present or foresee for the future? I would also add to your talk the ecosystem services that the crop provides, as these are significantly different from modern wheat. How can we access your talk, as we are unable to go to that conference?  Thank you!! Have a great time at that conference.