Jessica Warner

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since Dec 17, 2016
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The big treeis a cottonwood and there is a large pine right next to it. The green house is on the left. Eventually I would like a permanent glass of but the one I have was a gift so I want to get the use out of it first lol.

The soil is ok but still lacking in organic matter. I've tried potatoes (Did well), strawberries, cabbage, onions, broccoli, Roma tomatoes (early frost got them), lettuce, and radishes. Most everything did ok but I feel like the plants are needing something (Probably organic matter).
8 years ago
And thank you everyone for the warm welcomes!  We are about 200 yards from the river and lot's of old growth trees around the property. The land is pretty fertile compared to 90% of the area and I've even found a few earth worms. We are in zone 5b 😊
8 years ago
Here is the Google earth photo of the property. The yellow that goes all the way around is the approximate boundary and the yellow boxes indicated where something already is. The large box on the concrete is our green house. Our last frost date is July 1- July 10. Also, if anyone has ideas, tips, or tricks  for keeping the greenhouse warm without electricity it would be crazy appreciated! It's plastic not glass. Thanks much!
8 years ago
Hi folks! I live in very extreme SW Wyoming, right by the Utah border. I'm working on turning our quarter acre lot into a micro homestead but could really use some help. I'm just not sure where to start. I have two raised beds in place and five apple trees planted but I'd really like to take a permaculture approach. Any thoughts?? Also any recommendations on specific food plant varieties? Thanks much!
8 years ago