kyle winder

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since Jan 02, 2017
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Recent posts by kyle winder

I saw a picture of it. Any chance you have a drawing possibly with some measurements? I decided to experiment and make a mini one out of a paint can. Turned out pretty neat and kinda understanding how they work a little better now. Also is their a formula for designing one? Such as feed tube angle and diameter, connecting tube length and diameter, burn chamber high and diameter.
8 years ago
O ok. So maybe eliminate the inner wall? And does it have to be fire brick lining? Was planning on putting some in the bottom and the rest was going to be a mixture of vermiculite and other stuff.
8 years ago
This is kinda what I was thinking. Sorry I'm not much of an artist.
8 years ago
I didn't see a minnie in the post. So what if I pot a 30 gallon inside a 55 and fill around the 30 with insulation mixture. Then build a divider from the bottom to just below the top in the 30. So 2 chambers like yours. Then have exhaust go most of the way down in the 1 chamber and same for the feed tube in the other chamber.
8 years ago
Howe about a design like this one? Is it efficient? Kinda like it because being a carpenter I get a lot of scrap lumber including 2x4 and other long pieces and it will accommodate them.
8 years ago
Looks a bit on the large side. Could I do something similar with a 55 and 30 gallon drum instead?
8 years ago
New to the forum and this is my first project. I am wanting to build a RMH for my garage when I am out there but would like for it to be movable. Saw a few designs that use a 55 gallon drum that gavery me the idea to build one and put it on a 4 wheel drum cart so I can move it if needed. I think someone called it a 55 gallon pocket rocket. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
8 years ago