Jack Anderson

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since Feb 15, 2017
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Bryant RedHawk wrote:If there is a soft drink bottling plant near you, check with them, that is where we get our totes from.
Once they have emptied the syrups out, it costs more to send them back to the place they came from so lots of times you can get them fairly easily.

This links will show what they look like +Shopping&utm_term=]Plastic Tote or Giant Carboy

as the price shows, brand new these are outrageously expensive. That's why we get the used ones, pretty cheap, durable, hold a good amount of water, and they are easy to plumb with PVC pipe.

Also check local distilleries, dairy farms, and water treatment plants... You want to avoid all corn, olive, and soy oil... They are impossible to rinse out. Or you can just get them from a site like this http://www.ibctoterecycling.com/used-ibc-containers-for-sale/ or craigslist https://desmoines.craigslist.org/search/fod?query=ibc+totes.