Johnathan Russell

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Raccoons may have a cute and fuzzy look to them, but many people ask, “How to get rid of raccoons?” You have two options here, do-it-yourself or hire professional. Raccoon deterrents/repellents often don’t work the way they should. It’s a waste of time and money. Although, I do have a list of best natural raccoon deterrents below. By all means, give them a try, but I would highly recommend hiring a professional raccoon expert that deals with raccoons on a regular basis and understands the behavior of raccoons. I’ve seen in many cases where inexperienced homeowners will overlook the 👀fact that there might be baby raccoons in the attic😳. Only to find decomposing baby raccoons days later, stuck in the cavity of your walls. Causing more damages, a bad odor, and a possible health risk for you!

Nuisance wildlife, such as skunks, opossums, or other animals can be quite a problem. From firsthand, I know getting rid of raccoons can become a headache and time-consuming. I’ve personally removed way other 1,000+ critters from many properties. Although I’ve never been bitten, due to my skills, it can be dangerous to handle and remove any wildlife. Dealing with raccoons can be both easy and super challenging. It may be scary for some or exciting for others. Know your pros and cons, and the results can be quite satisfying. Here are some best ways to get rid of raccoons without feeling guilty.

Best DIY Methods for Raccoon Removal

Two Top Methods for Guarantee Raccoon Removal.

Trapping Raccoons

Raccoon trapping is a safe and humane method of raccoon control. Know the laws for raccoon trapping and relocation in your state. Use a good 12Hx12Wx32L inch sturdy raccoon trap. Also, some good raccoon trap bait. Once captured, relocate the raccoon. Raccoon trapping is one of the most humane and most common raccoon removal techniques used nationwide by homeowners and professional raccoon removal companies.

Many homeowners want to know how to trap a raccoon. To be successful at getting rid of raccoons in a humane raccoon trap, you’ll want to know the law’s for trapping and removing raccoons yourself. Call your local city animal control shelter. In most states, you cannot trap and remove raccoons without a trapping license from the Department of Fish and Wildlife. In that case, you will have to hire a raccoon removal specialist. That is always the best option for raccoon removal. Do-it-yourself raccoon trapping for an inexperienced person can become challenging.

Raccoon Removal By Hand

To remove raccoons by hand, you would need a Katch-all-pole (snare pole).  Like the one, I’m holding in the picture to the left. Also, a 20Lx11Wx12H inch sturdy raccoon transfer cage and the strength to put the raccoon in the trap. Then, relocate the raccoon. This takes some bravery and skill. I know from experience that snaring a raccoon can become quite challenging. Things can get intense, especially when dealing with a female raccoon with babies. I would recommend an expert for this method of raccoon removal and control.

Best DIY Natural Raccoon Deterrents

Eliminate Attraction - Raccoon Deterrent

Eliminate what’s Attracting Raccoons
Grubs/Insects. Your lawn or garden carry plenty of large insects which raccoons love. Their main attraction is the Grubs, high in protein and juicy.

Loose Garbage/Yard Clutter. Secure your garbage, using a bungee over the lid. Raccoons love hoarders and yard clutter.

Pet food/Birdfeeder. Stop feeding your pets outside or bring your pets food dish in at night.

Rats/Rodents. Get rid of the smaller rodents like Rats, Mice, and Squirrels. Trapping and removal of smaller critter should reduce your raccoon problem.

The Sound of Running Water/Water source. Raccoons have great hearing, so set your waterfalls or fountains on timers. Set them to turn off at night. If the raccoons are getting into your pool, get a pool cover. If none of that works. Set a trap and remove the raccoons that way.

Scare Tactics - Raccoon Deterrent

Use automated sensors depending on the resources you have. Flood Lights or sprinkler systems will work great. Set these sensors in open areas or problematic areas. Use the correct settings to be more efficient. Place the sensors to trigger at night. Monitor the raccoon activity to adjust the sensors and location. This method is often used to deter most wildlife in the yard. Most often gets them wet or frighten them when activated. It’s also quite funny to watch. In some cases, you might forget the sensors are on, and you or a family member might get soaked. Just sit back and enjoy the show.

Ammonia Rags - Raccoon Deterrent

Find some rags and soak them in ammonia. Locate all entry ways and place the rags there. Also, place rags in the cavities where the raccoons will be able to smell it. You can also spray ammonia in areas, like the attic or crawlspace. The raccoon will leave after they have detected the ammonia in the area. If raccoons don’t leave, apply more! You can find a significant amount of ammonia in urine, which raccoons find offensive. Raccoons do not like to nest where they smell ammonia. Getting rid of raccoons with ammonia may work for you, especially if you have raccoons in your attic or crawlspace. Ammonia, another hit or miss method.

Predator Urine - Raccoon Deterrent

A scent of a larger predatory animal will deter the animal from the area. You can put this in areas most affected by the raccoons. This will fool them into thinking there is a larger animal in the area. Larger animals that hunt and eat these animals. Therefore, these smaller animals fear the smell or scent of a predator. You can buy these scents from a sporting good store for hunting purposes or Amazon. Maintain consistency by using different types of urine to ensure you have the best results. Although this form of deterrent may be used to keep raccoons away, there is also the risk of attracting other unwanted larger canines.

Cayenne Pepper - Raccoon Deterrent

Apply it where the raccoons are most active on your property. This could be in your backyard or attic. That area is where you would apply cayenne pepper. I can imagine you out there right now, shaking cayenne pepper all over your yard or attic to deter raccoons. Looking like Gordon Ramsay LOL!… This is probably one of the first methods people try when getting rid of raccoons. It’s cheap and they probably already have cayenne pepper in their kitchen. But like any other raccoon deterrents, it’s a hit or miss method.

Raccoon Eviction Liquid - Raccoon Deterrent

Raccoon eviction liquid can help you get rid of nesting female raccoons with baby raccoons. Raccoon Eviction Liquid is a natural byproduct of male raccoons, a predator to female raccoons during the birthing period. When placed in a den area, the female senses that a danger to her young is nearby. Raccoon eviction liquid works best between February-August. When eviction techniques are used, do not expect the raccoon to leave until well after dark. Apply the male raccoon scented pheromone in the space where raccoons are nesting.This is the best humane raccoon methods and techniques for eviction of female removal. Note: Raccoons may relocate themselves to nearby homes.

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8 years ago