Craig Richard

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since Feb 23, 2017
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Recent posts by Craig Richard

special thank you and upgrades to the build

8 years ago

Miles Flansburg wrote:Howdy Craig, welcome to permies !

How about explaining each part and piece of your machine. I assume it is a downdraft with a bubbler for a cooling unit?

What are all the other parts?

Good looking flame there !

Thanks for the interest. Here a look inside the gasifier. I Will do a separate video for filtration

8 years ago
Hello ! My names Craig . I'm from Alberta Canada and would like to share my gasification project with you. For those that don't know, ' Gasification ' takes wood and other waste like shells, cob's, even plastic and converts them in to usable fuels to run combustion engines or cook , heat with. Enjoy. It's just the beginning

part 1

8 years ago