hellen ellis

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since Mar 08, 2017
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Recent posts by hellen ellis

I think that ginger is the promising agent for you. Thanks to anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, it is no surprise to see ginger included the list of home remedies for shoulder pain. Furthermore, it can help you improve the circulation of blood, thus promote the healing process.
You need to consume 2 – 3 cups of ginger tea every day. In order to prepare the tea, take a tablespoon of sliced ginger into some boiling water and have it simmered for about 10 minutes. Then have it strained, put in some honey and consume.
Alternatively, you might take the supplement of ginger but only after consulting the doctor.
7 years ago
Thayers Witch hazel toner. It not only helps you clean your skin but also moisturises the skin very well. The toner is proper to all types of skin. So it's ok to your sensitive skin.
7 years ago
I used to use some products to keep my kitchen fresh. But now I can replace them by cinnamon.
7 years ago
It's such a long post. Thank you for your sharing. It's music to my ears. My husband is a chain smoker.
7 years ago