Kelly Hart wrote: I once worked on an earthbag residence in Mexico that was designed with raised beds adjacent to the exterior walls and you can read more about this project at
If a good moisture barrier is provided between the wall and the planter bed, and the foundation of the house is designed to escort water away from the foundation (as a rubble trench and French drain do), then all should be fine. One of the beauties of earthbag building is that it is not seriously vulnerable to dampness.
Chris Kott wrote:I don't know how fire retardant borax is, though I have heard it mentioned. I would still seal cardboard or other flammables up in a natural plaster wall, away from oxygen.
Rez Zircon wrote:
I knew a technically-homeless guy who lived in a cardboard house he'd built from appliance boxes. It had two full-height rooms and running water, and was stable enough to be reasonably weatherproof. Quite impressive. Also, corrugated cardboard is a terrific insulator.
Phil Stevens wrote: I'll chuck it into one of the stock troughs for safekeeping. I fished a head length out the other day to check on it and it looks exactly like it did when it went in...and that was at least two years ago.