The discussion of governance and community as part of the permaculture process is challenging for me. Often, notice people are re-working new overlays to systems and not practicing what they are preaching or alternatively get so bogged down in a process that they miss the point of communication. That being said, I understand fully how important community dynamics are to any system, just admitting it is a topic I don't run to as first choice as projects to undertake. In my current researching I've come across two different sources that do resonate with me enough to feel worthy of sharing in the context of permaculture.
Both are from "FUTURISTS", I doubt (as is so often the case) any would actively call themselves Permies. They may or may not know of the work but do have some interesting perspectives on where the greater global systems came from and where they feel the are going. I'm sure they won't mind being included and perhaps should be recruited to the ways of permaculture more wholeheartedly.
1. Future Thinkers Podcast (54 min)
FTP036: Global Phase Shift with Daniel Schmachtenberger - a brilliant interview with Daniel Schmachtenberger about transforming the complex global systems and moving our world towards sustainability, decentralization, and finding purpose.
2. Barbara Marx Hubbard Shares Insights into the Wheel of Co-creation and The Planetary Awakening
This may be a bit more spirit based but brings together some people working on social organization. Her explanation of the conscious evolutionary cycle she sees emerging is touched on here. Not the best introduction to the concept but one that I felt fit most with community section and is more recent
Apologies if this is all known information to these forums, but I'm just getting to where I'm posting and not completely well-versed on existing content.