I'm thinking now for that night sky radiative cooling of the 10 totes combined 2,600 gallons water mass enclosed in the 5" freezer panel 'cool box', it'd be much more efficient and a whole lot easier not to mess with lifting and securing that freezer panel top every night, then mornings closing, and risk then not maintaining a good seal moving it so frequently, but instead just pump the water to the top.
IOW's, atop the insulated panel cover on the top, which all of its segments together total approximately 5' wide by 33' long, I'd pump water from totes below and through a couple hundred feet of hose or piping laying on top there that'd drain back into totes though manifold that connected to them all at their tops under the insulated cover. (With all totes also common plumbed together at their bottoms, they'd be self leveling among themselves.)
The hose/pipe and the aluminum top of freezer panel it sat upon would then all be coated or painted in best emissivity product rated for that night sky atmospheric window between 8–13 μm.
Lot's of good articles about that radiative effect, here's one
That hose or pipe would also need to be highly thermally conductive, too.
This top insulating panel, that this coated hose/pipe would sit atop, would still have mylar all along around its outer edge all angled up, too, like a solar cooker. And, hose/pipe would have IR translucent thin plastic covering to minimize ambient air temperature eroding night cooling gains via convection interaction with warmer air. Easier to keep emissive top clean then, too, just shake out or replace cheap plastic as needed.
My questions for this portion of the project then are...
#1 - What's best, commercially available, thermally conductive high emissivity paint or coating, ideally targeted for that 8–13 μm window?
#2 - What's best hose or piping that'll readily conduct heat of water passing through it? I know copper would be great, but need to also look at anything cheaper, too.
#3 - What's 'sweet spot' size of hose and pump combo I need to be shooting for to get the maximum tote water mass exposed to that radiative cooling effect up top?
Pump might also do double duty if it works out, with valve at its output, to be the pump for the radiator inside that's only being used during the day cooling internal air there.
Appreciate any thoughts, 'rules of thumb', or suggestions.