Clayton Campbell

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since Apr 06, 2017
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Recent posts by Clayton Campbell

Anyone near the northern panhandle of WV that wants to hang out and build stuff on my farm?
7 years ago
Hi Katie,  would love to talk to you. You seem like a lot of fun!
7 years ago
I would really like to talk and get to know you. I'm in the northern panhandle of WV.
7 years ago
Hi, I'd love to talk and get to know you!
7 years ago
Hi, my name is Clayton. I'm giving this a shot because I just can't seem to find anyone who has a clue about what I'm doing. I have a four acre farm with a house in the northern panhandle of West Virginia. It's a new place but I've got a bunch of things lined up. I have a huge cistern I need to hook up, I'm building a huge hugelculture berm, a biochar oven, starting a commercial vermiculture business, a greenhouse. The list goes on and on, I have a good job to pay for this stuff, and finally this year I'm actually starting to make my dreams a reality. I really wish I had a woman with similar interests in my life to share these things with!
7 years ago