Dee Swanson

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since Apr 06, 2017
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So on the first layer of tires, instead of packing with Earth, pack them with fist sized stones if available. Actually we have quite a few of those in this field. More rocks than dirt in this one "stretch" of field. We have all these lil rock piles by the river/ravine. So more rock the better, more weight, better drainage.
7 years ago
Currently building a tire retaining wall in Alberta Canada.

The area is infested with natural springs and I'm worried about "tire float". The frost freeze & thaw will cause tires buried to "float" to the top. From what I can gather. I need to create a giant "wedge" made out of tires (or pyramid) an fill them with 3/4" stone at the bottom & inner tires an only using earth in the upper & outer tires (which plants will go in). Each layer of tires will be "bolted together" with stainless steel bolts/hardware because the soil is this very caustic ancient sea floor which oddly enough is the thickest & the worst on that particular spot.

Concrete blocks are readily available and generally cheap but they are very ugly an usually the cost of trucking them in is way more than their worth. Tires are local & abundant since we have big pickup trucks & SUVs a plenty in these oil towns so finding enough tires isn't a problem.

I'm putting up a quonset on screwpile & steel beam foundation to insure what happened to my fathers barn doesn't happen again, see picture attached. The retaining wall will go behind it

Any advice would be appreciated, most tire retaining wall youtube videos & articles are based in regions like Southern USA & South America where it's not exposed to winter. We had a massive amount of rain last year, so much even my neighbors garden in front of his house heaved up 6 inches an wrecked the siding at the bottom.

7 years ago