Ione Shirley

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since Apr 20, 2017
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Zach Muller wrote:When the stalks form and it flowers is the traditional time to collect the latex i do believe. My plants are usually so full of latex at that point that it actually weeps out just from touching the leaves. Cut the top of the plant and collect the white material that flows out and you can continue making cuts down the stalk, collecting as it flows.

You can eat the greens fresh during its rosette phase and there will be effects, although i would consider it more of a food and less of a special medicine at that time.

Is your plant lactuca virosa?

Can you please tell me a simple way to fix this.  Do I boil it?   Dry it?  I'm confused.   I need SIMPLE step by step
instructions.   I've gathered several stalls but now I don't know what to do with it.  I need it for back pain (2 major surgeries) and can't take opiods.  Tia
7 years ago