T boon

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since Apr 29, 2017
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My husband and I are working on living a more sustainable lifestyle. We are planning on being off grid in near future. He is a logger, I am a stay at home wife, mother and grandmother. I tend to the farm, put up food canning/freezing and dehydrating. I really want a root cellar!  He can fix about anything, me I am a crafter, artist, writer photographer the gypsy, free spirited person. He's more down to earth.  While he is a tinker, I'm the deep thinker always braimstormimg. I have way to many interest to list anything from soap making, cheese making to foraging and herbalism and beyond
We both have some livestock knowledge. We're both I suppose a Jack of all trades in our own areas.
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Buying isn't an option, the situation has been resolved  for the moment. However we will still be working towards a mobile unit of some sort in order to have future security.
Thank all of you for your help and advice, it has been very helpful and a lot of food for thought.
7 years ago
Hello and thank you for the welcome. You wouldn't happen to know anyone in the area that could help a family out would you?
7 years ago
Hello sounds as if we are somewhere in the same vicinity. Welcome, I'm new here to after being a silent lurker.
We are in the Mecosta area just a bit east of stanwood, been all over the area from Morley, Stanwood, now out here and soon to be in the move again.
7 years ago
Wow this thread is pretty old.
We are from Central michigan area Mecosta county. Looking for people up this way, anyone still out there?
7 years ago
Thank you very much for the advice. I just posted a new topic looking for some folks willing to help obtain some land. We have mostly crop farmers here, a few dairies. So that route isn't really viable up here.
I am exploring as many avenues of housing as I can at the moment, and it looks as though we'll  be taking whatever we can find in short order.
Isn't it great that people from all over the world are interested in this site, it's fabulous.
Happy Day and many blessings
7 years ago
That was really a neat video. looks like so much fun.
7 years ago
thank you I will check it out. I was wondering about the solar panels traveling on roof. seemed a bit sketchy to me.
I do understand about the variables, been looking into zoning ordinances. what a hassle.
7 years ago
Hi all, I am new here and have a few questions I hope that can be answered. Here's a quick rundown on our situation.
A couple of years ago 2 this year. My daughter and her husband talked me an mine into going in on a small 10 acre family farm. Problem, our name is not on property and we gave our place up to do this and they after a couple of harsh reality checks decided that farming, self sufficiency or anything else to do with homesteading is totally NOT for them and when she finishes school wants to move back to the city. Which means selling the farm. That leaves us in the cold and s.o.l. we were turning the pole barn into are new home until this came up, now work has come to screeching halt and we are trying to figure what to do.
We do know without any doubt that we do need a piece of land to call out home base. I have livestock and need a  garden amongst other things. It's just who we are.
The current situation though frankly is a mess. We have to move out of the house cohabitating is destroying our family. However putting money into something for someone else's gain and our extreme loss is stupid.
So I have pretty much convinced my husband that we need mobile housing that we can call home. We have decided on a bus which I think is awesome for various reasons.
At the current second we are going to just finish closing in the half of pole barn and put in outhouse and call it good.
Sorry I took so long...
My questions are this
How does one get around all the legalities of living in a bus? Up here it seems if you want to live in anything mobile you have to do it in a rv park.
We do plan on making it totally functional compost toliet, shower, kitchen all that.
We also are wondering about solar on the bus. We have been off grid before, but this is a bit different how does one keep panels from being wrecked while on the road?
The bus is to be used to travel to job sites, and anywhere else we need to go where we have to stay any length of time.
Also does anyone have any tips or advice for this situation?
If i have posted this in the wrong spot I'm sorry and feel free to relocate me.
7 years ago
Hello I am a newbie here and have much to learn yet. Last year was my first year for my garden and I did have to till as this but of land hasn't been used in decades.
What I did is I did till, planted my starts and seeds. I have a small farm and at the time it was goats, rabbits and chickens and a whole lot of hay. I forked a ton of used hay around my plants, and in the aisles. I did it pretty deep. My garden is good sized and only me to tend it so I was trying to minimize the weeding chore. Not only that i have heavy ground and when it dries out it is like cement. I figured that by bedding it, it would help retain moisture as well.
my thoughts were correct, and this worked wonderfully. If i found a weed i buried it with some more hay. My ground stayed moist and plants got some slow release fertilizer.
I am doing the same this year again, without the tilling. Except in the area that was not munched with hay. I will just work planting area with fork or shovel.  
7 years ago