Bach Mai Xuan

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since May 01, 2017
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Hi every body,

My name’s Bach Mai Xuan and I’m a young farmer in Vietnam. I have been doing Natural Farming and Permaculture for 2 years in Thanh Hoa, VietNam. Temperature In Kerala normally ranges from 15ºC to 37ºC and rains about 1500-2000mm.

I’m looking for perennial cover crop. I have read some documents, and those said round-leaf cassia (or Wynn cassia) will be adapted with tropical climate. But I couldn't found anywhere sell it except some big company in AU.

You can read more here:

Anyone help me?

Thank you very much!
7 years ago
Hi every body,

My name’s Bach Mai Xuan and I’m a young farmer in Vietnam. I have been doing Natural Farming and Permaculture for 2 years in Thanh Hoa, VietNam. Temperature In Kerala normally ranges from 15ºC to 37ºC and rains about 1500-2000mm.

I’m looking for perennial cover crop. I have tried white clover from Japan but It is not thriving in summer and died out within the first year. But one day, I have found something here:

FAO said, "Essentially a tropical white clover, T. semipilosum exhibits the same main attributes as T. repens and in addition can thrive in hotter and drier districts".

So i have thought may Kenya white clover will thrive in my home town. I have tried to looking for Kenya white clover seed. But I couldn't found anywhere sell it.

Anyone help me?

Thank you very much!
7 years ago