sam schuschke

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since May 13, 2017
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Born and raised in the Flathead Valley Montana. Went exploring got super inspired following my excitement, now continuing to learn new skills and gain knowledge while sharing my talents and presence.
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Recent posts by sam schuschke

hey jesse, this is sam here, im super stoked you hit me up to help you out on your projects, i just saw what you want to do with the permaculture bike park! its a sweet idea, its rather beautiful and perfect actually beacuse my summer job in the flathead is running a mini excavator building mtn bike trails in the valley, i also love biking and have some built some hits and northshore style features, here is my personal email adress feel free to contact me there. im new to this forum so im just getting the hang of communication in this way. i look forward to meeting you. cheers
7 years ago
im looking to get in touch with some ants to see if there is possible help needed, im trying to get involved as much as i can being based in the flathead valley this summer. i have never been to the lab yet so im trying to find a way to sneek around this 100$ gapper fee, soooooo if any ants have some needs that i may be able to help with please get at me!! thanks
7 years ago
if i were to be living in the flathead valley this summer and working four days a week, would their be potential to have me come visit and be involved with different projects on the remaining three days of the week? i would be happy to stay in my van or in a tent/under the stars. thanks !
7 years ago
hey there, im trying to find more info on who to be contacting for the opportunity to come and spend some time! thanks
7 years ago