Experienced Urban Farmer is looking to find others interested in pooling some of our resources (seeds, starts, labor, fiat, crypto's, knowledge, etc.) to build two ecovillages.
1. raw land
2. Apartment conversion
If not you, who? if not now, when?
Meadows Tilth Urban Farm, I was introduced to permaculture in 2000, had chickens, then got into Robert Hart's "Food Forest Gardening", now I call what I do as Indigenous Farming (ala what new world'ers were doing for 1,000 of years per Charles C. Mann in his books "1491 & 1493") I have been professionally teaching partner dance since 1997, professionally teaching yoga since 1999, professionally teaching music / piano since 2001, professionally teaching guitar since 2010, substitute teaching in
public schools since Feb 2014, community gardening since 2013 at Heritage Farm Community Garden. I very old and very ill but not dead yet... Recently I found a nice property across from an elementary school in Ridgefield. Acreage, old house, current residents have horses and dogs, possible joint venture? we shall see...
SW WA, SW Washington State, Bitcoin, litecoin, vertcoin, digibyte, hugelcultur, bio-char, food forest, musicians, dancers, yoga, preference given to pacifists, minorities, females, LGBT etc.