Ian Stabler

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since Jul 11, 2017
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Recent posts by Ian Stabler

Hi I am working on an alternative to straw for an earthen plaster and have seen a a lot of information about using animal hair in Lime plasters but nothing about using it is clay plasters. We have a ton of roadkill deer here (Floyd VA) and I have access to their hair. Was wondering if anyone had used deer hair in a clay plaster and how it worked out or at least what you all thought about the idea. Thanks!
4 years ago
hi I am new to Asheville and looking to rent a barn or outbuilding to use as a woodworking workshop as well as a place to put up my Teepee. I am a natural builder who has spent the last three years living and working on Permaculture farms So I would be interested in partial trading for garden help!! Any leads to people living in the area would be a great help! Thanks also heres a link to some of my work www.IanStabler.com
7 years ago