Peace Eigenheimer

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since Jul 26, 2017
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Software engineer, parent, and homeowner - grew up in the city, now living somewhere between the suburbs and the forest.
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Southern Ohio, Zone 6a/6b
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Recent posts by Peace Eigenheimer

Here are some additional draft chapters for you to have as a free sample:

Feel free to comment any critique, criticism, suggestions, or other feedback.
3 months ago
Hi Team,

I’m working on a book about greenhouse systems and sustainable agriculture, aiming to make the subject approachable for everyone, from beginners to experts, backyard growers to market gardeners. The book balances detailed explanations with a narrative style, covering topics like systems thinking, environmental management, and renewable energy integration in greenhouses.

I’d like to invite you to take a look at the first chapter in two different formats: textbook and narrative.

Here’s a sample outline of the Table of Contents:

- Introduction to Greenhouse Systems and Control
- Managing Environmental Variables in Greenhouses
- Sensor Systems for Monitoring Environmental Variables
- Actuators and Automated Adjustments
- Structural Materials and Design
- Energy Management and Sustainability
- Water and Irrigation Management
- Lighting Optimization and Photosynthesis
- Nutrient Delivery and Soil Health
- Heat Loss, Storage, and Insulation
- Ventilation and Air Circulation
- Pest and Disease Management
- Climate Simulation and Controlled Environments
- Designing for Extreme Climates
- Modular and Scalable Greenhouse Systems
- Vertical and Urban Greenhouse Systems
- Integrated Greenhouse Networks
- Automation and Predictive Technologies
- Economic and Policy Considerations
- Education and Workforce Development
- Greenhouses in Sustainable Food Systems
- Conclusion: Designing Effective Greenhouse Systems

It would be helpful to know what you think about the different formats. Does the textbook style or narrative style work better for you? I would also appreciate feedback on the content, suggestions for improvement, or ideas for additional topics that could be covered.

I’ve attached both sample chapter PDFs to this post and would be grateful for any insights, big or small. Thank you so much for taking the time to consider this.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts, if you have a chance to look things over.
3 months ago
After a long dry spell followed by some heavy rains, type 10 is fruiting again.
1 year ago
Type 3 fits the description of neofavolus alveolaris
1 year ago
I have 14 acres in Southern Ohio where my house burned down last summer.


- lots of sunshine at the homebuild site on top of the property
- private gravel drive
- good neighbors
- additional 5 acres next door likely available for purchase from former owner
- cooperative electric hookup
- county water
- septic
- 10 acres of mixed woods: eastern red cedar, black locust, redbud, some very old oaks not suitable for commercial timbering, black walnut, sycamore, buckeye, poplar
- creek with pond and waterfall at bottom of property
- some development funding may be available
- lots of development opportunity
- plenty of rainfall

- no home on site, though neighbors may have room or cabin for rental until one is built
- no cable internet
- ruins of old house need to be cleared

We would have to work out a contract agreement of rental, land transfer, or occupancy and development, depending on what resources you may have available.

I am open to taking compensation for the land in the form of cash, labor on the site, and/or a share of the harvest.

As my family already has a source of income, I would likely reinvest any cash into the development site. My long-term vision is for the site to become a net producer of energy through a combination of solar, wind, and hydroelectric generation.

I'm looking for someone to move to the site, or live nearby and work there, with the intent for them to become, either in the immediate or in the long-term depending on available resources, a full, majority, or partial owner themselves.

I'll be glad to answer more detailed questions on the forum here.

Feel free to express interest in the replies here or send me a purple mooseage.
1 year ago
This one is growing from clay near or on a root juncture of a very large maple tree nearby, fruiting after about two weeks of minimal rain with daytime temperatures climbing to the high 80s (fahrenheit) in the last few days.

I would say it's in a humid microclimate as the ground here is in heavy to dappled shade most of the day and only a few paces from the stream channel. The cap feels spongy and the ground here is mossy.
1 year ago
"In addition to proving my family with cut flowers, seeds, and joy"


Squirrels have been snacking on my sprouts. Thankfully I have many backup seeds. I sprinkled coffee grounds on the bed in hopes it would deter them. Any other recommendations?
1 year ago
This type is in a mostly-shaded nook between two buttress roots of an old maple tree that has a trunk covered in mosses and lichens.
1 year ago
Flush of type 1 near the same spot after this morning's rain.
1 year ago