In my opinion, raising Angoras is worth it. I will be starting my program this fall post-pandemic mess...
That said, I am a fiber artist with 10 years of working with fiber animals under my belt. I'm already well versed in fiber raising and prep for top dollar wool. Angoras, depending on the breed, produce anywhere from 2-4 lbs of wool a year. Averaging 8 dollars an ounce, that's around 500 dollars. 8 dollars is a lower end price for Angora fiber, for wool that may not be as clean, sound, or strong. At the top end, for show line wool, I have seen it as high as 14 an ounce. Mind you, no one really wants to pay that when you can get comparable stuff in the 10-12 dollar per ounce range, UNLESS you find a good market of spinners who know their stuff.
Angoras are not a suitable meat breed. They're compact and rather small under their wool, and producing wool constitutes an entirely different type of diet for them than you want for meat rabbits. (They need more roughage to help pass and prevent wool blocks)
Permaculture wise, Angoras really do not fit into a self sustaining system. They are a designer breed that reaaaally needs special care. The folks I know with Angoras brush every day or every other day. This is in a wire cage system. In a colony I am not sure how Angoras would fare. Personally, I feel it would negate the purpose of raising them for pristine wool, but I could be wrong.