Chris Ames

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since Sep 01, 2017
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Thank you for your thoughts.  Here is some additional rambling from me...

I'm active duty military and I have a great appreciation for when someone provides me with a holistic solution to a problem.
That is why I think the earthship appeals to me so much.  At least, they address some of the big things I'm concerned with.  Comfort, power, water, sewage, food.

I understand building code is/can be a huge issue.  So I know I have a lot of research ahead of me.

Now, what I have yet to read is if some of the other solutions employed are as "good as advertised."  For example the grey/black water processing solution.
Does it actually work as well as designed/advertised?  I sure hope it does.  It looks amazing.

My young nephew plans to do his science fair project this year on Earthships.  I can't wait to see what he comes up with.

7 years ago
New to these "parts".  As I start to educate myself on the possibilities of my future home I was thinking "Has anyone built an Earthship without tires?"  Instead maybe built the walls with Compressed Earth Blocks or Rammed Earth walls?

Having read many posts on here, there seems to be a "anti-tire" sentiment.  For reasons I completely understand.

Any thoughts?

7 years ago