Rufus LaRossa

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since Sep 14, 2017
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I just started this plan I got from  They have some really great stuff.  
7 years ago

Jim Fry wrote:Is this a legit site? Sorry, but it sounds a little questionable. Don't want to click on it until some else says its ok.

I've been on the site myself and it seems really good for plans for things like tables, etc.  I'll let you know if there are any problems.
7 years ago
Hi!  I'm new to this forum but I have discovered a wonderful site with so many plans for woodworking on it, I can't decide which to do first!  The name is and they have thousands of plans for building things.  I just couldn't keep this to myself.  If anyone else has any good plan sites, you could let me know.  Thanks!  
7 years ago