I've never had to gout. Mostly hear about men that have it. But I've had a huge more than an inch gallstone for many years. It never bothered me until this year, supposedly. I had vomiting and diarrhea and they were ruling things out and did a scan and decided it was the gallstone blocking a duct. I'm not sure if that was it or not. Of course they want to yank your gallbladder out right away. I wasn't having it. I also had two ear infections and decided to go ahead with the anabiotic's for that. So after that all my symptoms got better and I went back to having occasional heartburn. Don't really feel like eating like I was eating last year though.
I listened to doctors online and did the research on the gallbladder. The best information I found was at gallbladderattackcom. Learned the amount of food you eat in one setting has a lot to do with problems. Also learned that it's not the fat it's the carbs. I basically eat whatever I want. A few months ago a cheeseburger would make me run to the bathroom. But not anymore.
My blood type is A+ but I don't believe in going by that. I do think everybody's body uses food differently and that no one diet is good for everyone. See
http://www.mensahmedical.com/what-are-biochemical-imbalances/ They've even changed their mind that kale is good for every cancer patient.
Next month I'm having blood work to show how my body works with methylation, etc. The book, "Nutrient Power" by William Walsh explains about how they use testing to formulate a nutritional supplement that is uniquely for you regardless of your blood type.
I'm going to talk to a G.I. specialist in a few weeks. They can snatch stones that are caught in ducts with something that reminds me of those cranes in the toy boxes. Mine is still in the gallbladder but I thought I'd ask about it anyway. I've heard they can laser them (or use ultrasound but I think that's old-fashioned now). You'd think that if my duct were blocked I wouldn't be functioning as well as I am. I'm taking NOW brand super enzymes with ox bile and Hcl but I don't think that's the only thing my body is using.
(Can't format on the phone.)