Joshua Peirce

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since Apr 07, 2018
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Recent posts by Joshua Peirce

Cool thanks for the info. I'll do some reading after work today!
5 years ago
So I have been doing lots of research on rocket stoves and mass heaters and I would like to start off with something basic and cheap, but useful. I would like to build a hookway style charcoal retort. Fore those that dont know this design, it is a kind of wood gasifier, rocket stove, retort hybrid.

However, I would like to make some changes to the design to reduce cost and to learn basic rocket stove building principals to apply to bigger mass heater projects.

The biggest issue with this design I believe is the use of a metal heat riser. I have been trying to figure out a way to replace it with a cheap casted refractory riser. Its difficult, as you don't want the riser to be insulated as in a traditional rocket stove since you want the heat to apply to the wood surrounding the riser, it is then insulated on the exterior or the wood chamber. what would be the best way to cast a similar design out of refractories? Could I simply use steel but coat the interior with sodium silicate? Could I cast one out of portland cement and coat with sodium silicate? any suggestions and insights are much welcome and appreciated.

5 years ago
I am looking to start gathering information on the feasibility of replacing my current wood burning fireplace with a rocket mass heater. If anybody could be so kind as to point me in the right direction of any information on something like this being done I would be very grateful. Ideally I would like to remove the entirety of my current fireplace and replace it with a batch box rocket mass heater with the possibility of drawing the heat out of the mass and blowing it through the current house ductwork. I am thinking copper piping through the mass with blowers connecting to the primary ducting. I have some basic understandings and a plethora of additional reading to do on the rocket mass heaters in general, but any opinions or direction for specifically the replacement of a traditional wood stove and drawing heat from the mass with forced air is what I am looking for, thanks for all your time and input!

5 years ago
First of all love this site, long time lurker first time poster. I am starting work on my hookway style rocket stove charcoal retort. I am in contract with a welder who will be charging me 35$ an hour for welding. I am trying to get some plans together for him so he is prepared and can just dive right into it. I understand the basic concept but without having to fork over 10 pounds for the plans I am having trouble getting it down on paper for him. All the plans I see online are fairly diferent then the hookway concept. Does anyone know of some plans I can provide him? I am working on mine own right now and will post soon to get advice on what needs to be changed. thanks for your time!
6 years ago