Danny Smythe

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since Oct 31, 2017
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One of the 'best/worst' gardeners.
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Zone 9b
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Recent posts by Danny Smythe

I'm planting my corn in small blocks between tomatoes to shade them. Plant a block every week & harvest every week. Tried some this year, seems that it will work out o.k. put a couple beans i with.
7 years ago
Climate is a very interesting phenom. Always changing. 2015-16 we had warm drought winter with lizards running around in Jan. Instead of hibernating. A vol. tomato grew all winter & i moved it into the garden in the spring. Last 20 yrs all have froze. Short term climate/weather (called "normal") is average of high/low temps. But from how long? Probably not very. Seldom is one year same as preceeding. We are zone 9b, basically, sub-tropic. I'm starting to understand how things grow here. Another climate etc. Would be learning/adjustment. Climate, to me, is always changing.
7 years ago
Been veg. Gardening/experimenting for decades. About 3200sf garden. Always trying new ways & observing nature. Hauled in & manhandled manure, tiller etc.too much work. Came across wheel hoes by chance. No more tiller/outside inputs. We use leaves/twigs/branches applied to garden beds to feed the worms which plow for us. Wheel hoes for weeding etc. Trying less & less work. Experimenting, learning mostly what not to do. Intrigued by the hugel-beds. Perhaps build 1 this winter.

7 years ago