Roeloff Horne

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since Nov 04, 2017
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Recent posts by Roeloff Horne

So many reply, much wow!
I thank everyone for the input.
I did however phrase it incorrectly, as Henry Jabel pointed out, the tools are actually a copper and tin mix(still +-90% copper) but that would make them bronze.
So even though I can see how 100% copper tools would be quite silly, I wonder if the the liberation of copper particles wouldn't be waaay less than expected because of the tensile strength the tin adds, thus stopping the copper from being present in the soil in such quantities that it actually starts affecting soil organisms negatively.
Anyway, I think this is an interesting subject, even though it might not make the biggest difference in the bigger scheme of things.
Also, less backache has always been a good thing in my book!

A splendid day to you all
7 years ago
Hi everyone!
I've seen some interesting claims regarding copper tools applied to horticulture i.e. trace minerals that get left in the soil that stimulate plant growth etc.
I'm an avid grower of all things and was wondering if anyone here had ever used copper tools in their own efforts at growing.
Copper tools are quite expensive and it would help me a lot if anyone could give me advice as to the efficacy of these tools and if it is actually worth sourcing.

Thanks a bunch and have a groovy day!
7 years ago