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Alex Hofacker

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since Nov 13, 2017
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Yrah I am most definitely going to have them save alot of fat. I have also heard the jowl is an amazing cut as well, but its rarely shown on alot of pork processing breakdowns.
6 years ago
I am getting one of my Kune boars butchered tomorrow and I was wondering if anyone had advice on any forgotten/oddball cuts of meat that I should request back from the processor?
6 years ago
Anyone know a good Meat processor in North Carolina? preferably one that has experience in pigs?
6 years ago
Hey Susan! We have about 1.5 acrea up here in stokesdale. We have chickens, pigs, a large garden and A friend And I co own 2 goats that stay on his land. We are dairly new to it, probly only 2 years in. My wife And I started the garden the first year we moved in and grew from there. I hope to one day lease some land so I can graze a few head of cattle as well. Ive heard of the permaculture society but never had a chance to look much further into it. Between work, 2 kids, church and the land it doesn't leave too much extra time haha.
7 years ago
Good luck to you as well! Merry Christmas!
7 years ago
Hey yall, just seein if anyone is located near Stokesdale, NC? its in the northwestern part of the state about 25mins north of Greensboro and about 30 mins short of the VA line.
7 years ago
I know I definitely wouldny have let it get that bad. Animal welfare is definitely something thats important to me. I just wanted to see if it was even feasible.
7 years ago
yeah the socialization issue was something I was worried about. I definitely dont want a deprived animal socially. I typically always follow by the buddy system when it comes to animals, but I had heard a few stories of people keeping single cows for extended periods of time, so I thought I would ask. But thats why tgis forum is a great tool, you can ask people with more experience. Thanks guys.
7 years ago
Can a single dexter milking cow be "pastured" on 0.18 acres of healthy grassland? How much Hay supplementation will be needed and other nutrients?
7 years ago
yeah I definitely have the ability to cut and modify them. Although im really likin the trellis idea for my squash.
7 years ago