Ian Brown

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since Nov 20, 2017
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This is my first time posting. I hope I've appropriately placed this post. I was very glad to find a forum with so many like minds.

My husband and I are planning on buying land in the Pacific Northwest. Specifically, we are looking at acreage on the Olympic Peninsula in Western Washington. We are moving from Arizona, where we've already started to see some of the very disturbing drying and heating trends from global warming. I have some specific questions, but if anyone has any general thoughts on living off the grid in the lowlands of the Pacific NW, please feel free to share them. We are trying to learn as much as humanly possible about the area and the projections decades down the road from now.

From what I've learned, the Pacific NW seems like one of the best locations (in the US) for insulation against the ravages of climate change. Also, coming from Flagstaff, AZ (an extreme climate), I'm impressed with how long (relative to my climate) its growing season is.

I've been looking at lots of properties, and while I had envisioned reshaping via Bill Mollison's design strategies a degraded or overgrazed pasture area, I'm finding that much of the land in the area that I'm interested in is pretty heavily forested as it is. I see this from two angles: I want to put energy into improving land that is degraded and needs improving, but an already-forested property doesn't really need me to improve it. So I don't see it as much of a contribution back into the larger ecosystem. On the other hand, an already forested property could be very easy to work with as the soils are undoubtedly already in pretty good shape (I assume?) and it could make turning it into a productive food forest quite easy.

Does anyone familiar with the general ecosystem(s) of the Pacific NW have any opinion as to whether I should be looking for forested vs non-forested property (if a combo, what ratio?)? Is it less valuable to the local ecologically to transform a forest rather than more degraded grazing land? (for a bit more background, we plan on establishing a food forest as well as raising goats, chickens and fish on-site in whatever numbers are best for the acreage that we eventually buy). Any thoughts on these questions would be welcome! (or anything related to permaculture in the Pacific NW)
7 years ago