Hey there,
I am a 33 about to turn 34 year old self-employeed carpenter/custom home builder. Ex-outdoor instructor, cook, landscaper. I have grown up 8,235 ft in the Colorado Rockies. My dream is a wholistic ag/ permiculture honestead.
I maintain a garden at 8,000+ ft and harveat what food I can.
Mostly greens, kale, spinach, red lettuce, iceburn, arugula, mustard. Swish chard, romaine etc.
Also brussle sprouts, brocolli, squash, zuchinni, strawverrys and even some cherry tomatoes.
Slight jack of all trades and an inquisitive and curious spirit.
Your land sounds amazing and the lagacy you strive to leave it in is beautiful.
Intrested in discussing your needs, goals and vision and potential benifitial oppertunties. Purple mooseage me,
Hope all is well.
I am still looking foward to the aspens blooming and for it to stop snowing.