Bogdan Popov

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since Dec 05, 2017
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Hello Feidhlim!

Thank you for the good advice!  I like the idea of combining compact media filter and  Horizontal CW.   It might work out n our case with the space figures you mentioned.  

The meadow usually absorbs the water quite well unless gets really saturated and/or frozen in winer.  However actually many households send their basically untreated waste water to this meadow through this or other ditch (standart practise in rural Ukraine).   One of our goals is to change this situation through own example.  But solutions should be affordable both in terms of cost and space.  Probably the best strategy actually would be to turn this meadow into  a communal CW that treats wasre water from the whole neighbourhood.  But we are too far from this now.

6 years ago
Hello Feidhlim!

Thank you very much!

We are in western Ukraine, Carpathian mountains.

The stuff doesn't live in the hotel.  There are only 2 people coming to cook and clean the place.  

The effluent will go to the open ditch and then the meadow.    
There is no space  on property to have a soil based CW with the size you mentioned (20 m2/person).   I think maximum what we can have is 70 m2 in total.  

What do you think about the option  preatremnt of efflluent prior to CW with compact recirculating media filter to get the eflluent cleaner, more aerobic and thus reduce the size of HFCW
needed for final discharge?


6 years ago
Hello Feidhlim!

Thank you very much for the nice explanation!  

The problem with this specific hotel I am talking about is that there are prolonged periods of the no vistitors at all (uo to 2 weeks). Basically it works with the organized groups of diffrent  size by prearrangment and this doesn't depend much on the time of the year. The hotel itself has maximum capacity of 24 people  but usually the groups are smaller.  The flow is mixed  grey and black .  Toilets are non urine separating .  Kitchen sink has a grease 40 l  trap. The stormwater   from the roof i is harvested.  Sometimes events are held in the hotel  (parties and such) without people  staying overnight  and taking showers but heavily using the toilet especially for urination (up to 50 people during event)
Climate data is given in the jpg  chart attached.

There is existing two chamber septic tank with total volume of 8 cubic meters.

I was thinking about the Horizontal Flow RB since it is simpler, there is no much head for gravity dosing and also getting the right substrate for VFRB might be problematic  while gravel of diffrent size (from 5 to 30 mm )is available. An option with artficially aerated RB was also considered.  
Generally the idea is to built a waste water treatment systemcompetitive and alternative to  activated sludge based SBR packaged plant which are on the market and usually used for decentralized sanitation.

Best wishes,

6 years ago
Hello Feidhlim!
What kind of feautures in your view constructed werland (reed bed) should have in order to cope with high viarabilities of inflow  volume? I am talking about for instance the case of small hotel.  
Thank you,
6 years ago
Hello Feidhlim! Looking forward to learn about the reed beds from you.
6 years ago