Keith Ahlstrom

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since Jan 01, 2018
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Recent posts by Keith Ahlstrom

yup, same problem. I've been hand washing with Dr. Bonner's but after 13 years I'm just tired of standing there in front of the sink like it's 1870! I've got a million other things that need to get done! So the biggest problem with dishwasher detergents (typically) are the salts. Even the super duper eco friendly ones are saturated with salt and sodium. (even Oasis)  DIY versions also include salt. I came across one post somewhere where they used Dr. Bonner's, water, vinegar in equal measurements and lemon juice. (I think it was a teaspoon for every half cup of the soap) then she added vinegar to the rinse aid receptacle. But I can't find anyone who has reported on the effectiveness of this diy. Maybe I'll mix up a batch and go test on family members dishwashers. I have zero interest in buying a dishwasher, only to find out it was pointless.
Okay, just had a thought - a dumb thought - but a thought all the same. A vertical rack and a heated pressure washer just blast it on either side. Boom! Done! (mic drop and walks out of the room)
1 year ago
yup, same problem. I've been hand washing with Dr. Bonner's but after 13 years I'm just tired of standing there in front of the sink like it's 1870! I've got a million other things that need to get done! So the biggest problem with dishwasher detergents (typically) are the salts. Even the super duper eco friendly ones are saturated with salt and sodium. (even Oasis)  DIY versions also include salt. I came across one post somewhere where they used Dr. Bonner's, water, vinegar in equal measurements and lemon juice. (I think it was a teaspoon for every half cup of the soap) then she added vinegar to the rinse aid receptacle. But I can't find anyone who has reported on the effectiveness of this diy. Maybe I'll mix up a batch and go test on family members dishwashers. I have zero interest in buying a dishwasher, only to find out it was pointless.
Okay, just had a thought - a dumb thought - but a thought all the same. A vertical rack and a heated pressure washer just blast it on either side. Boom! Done! (mic drop and walks out of the room)
1 year ago
MIke! Oh man alive we should be neighbours! Those are a bunch of interesting ideas. I will repeat the words of A certain robed Indian gentleman: "I am but a simple man". I'm in no - way, shape or form smart enough for most of those things.

The siphon would need to be dug down outside the house insulated etc etc. (The house is a slab on grade with the pipe leaving the foundation wall, about 6" below grade.) But I may do it just to see what's possible.
7 years ago
Bell siphon! Thanks!...not sure how I would work that into my system as I would need to either place this under all the sinks or in a heated box outside the house...hmmmm?...that tropical winter retreat still sounds better.

Thanks for the idea.

7 years ago
No shame at all. The list of things around the homestead I have yet to tackle is long and exhausting.
If I were even remotely close to you I'd come do it for you. Easy peasy! But I am a few thousand Km's away.

I know all about "manual drain systems" I went 3 years with no running water with everything collecting in 5 gallon pails. It worked just fine...just a bit tedious.

Spring is coming....spring is coming.
7 years ago
So? Did it work? Or did you find a better way? I am always open to better ways!
(maybe it just cleared itself...that is the best option.)
7 years ago
Worth a shot! It should work, but I don't have an intimate knowledge of those hydrants.
I wonder if you built up the ground level around the hydrant if this would raise the frost line? I mean a pretty large circle...radiating 5 or 6' out from the...ahhh nevermind!   Winter is truly a pain in the butt!
I keep wondering if it just doesn't make more sense to pack up and swing in a hammock on a beach for 6 months a year. I am pretty sure the expense of heating, fixing and defrosting would pretty much cover the vacation.

7 years ago
Jane!...don't suffer...where there is a will, there is a way!

So, The waterline I have is from Canadian Tire...I think I spent 20 bucks for 100'. (it comes in a big roll...think garden hose, but black and more pex tubing, but not as expensive) I originally used garden hose, but scared the bejeezers out of myself when the two sections I was using pulled apart in the pipe. Thankfully, it happened just as the connection came out of the pipe. Having a garden hose stuck up in your grey water line would SUCK! If you have a short-ish run of pipe from the outlet to the house and only need one hose...go for it. Garden hose works, but it can sometimes be like pushing a rope up a hill...the water line is far more rigid and just doesn't buckle.

The pump was from Canadian Tire as well...whatever you can get cheaply. I love and use these kinds of pumps all the time. I can't even count how many times they have saved me from disaster. $60...$80 it's all money well spent! I can wager your nieghbour has one you could borrow.

The hot water comes from my canner. I boil up some water and fill the bucket. Fill it up again so I can top up the water in the bucket. (remember some of the water will be in the line and coming back down the pipe so you will need more than the single bucket for the pump to have something to pump back up.) Cold water works as well....just slower.

Good luck!
7 years ago
Well...Jane...I say give the waterline trick I use a try. It works great for me. I cleared the three foot greycicle in about 45mins. You can also try a pressure washer (heated) You can rent them from just about any equipment rental place.

Good luck with your pipe.
7 years ago