Hank Hammatt

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since Jan 03, 2018
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Deborah and Elizabeth,  I have plenty of seeds and will send about 40 each.  Deborah I need your address.  No need for envelopes, will go out in a week or so (whenever I make it to town!)

Notes for all re Passiflora edulis - NEVER pick the fruit, wait for it to fall, then you can be assured it is ripe (often wrinkled and yellowing, but may still be firm and green). Also, the more space it has to climb the better.  It grows wild here (zone 6b) in open fields, but the vines seldom exceed 4-8 feet and you will seldom see fruit.  Give it a loose fence (I use hog wire) to climb and the vines can reach 15-20 feet and produce from 4 to 80! fruit.  Far more than what most studies show.  

All of my plants have been volunteers, so have no advice re seeds.  Emerges late May to mid-June (do not mulch too soon, but thickly after emergence period to keep weeds down).  Fruit ripens late August to late October.  Roots spread at shallow depths so do not work the ground and hand weed after rains to not disturb the roots)

We use the Vita-mix blender to separate pulp from seeds, then strain.

We have a weekly pot-luck dinner at an old hippie commune and the juice is always a favorite.  Dilute the nectar considerably with water and add some sugar, all to taste.

Let me know if additional people would like seeds.
7 years ago
I have plenty of seeds.  Free.  I get about 200-400 fruit per year (in mid-TN) and freeze about 4-8 gallons of pure nectar.  Makes great juice and a liqueur that is wonderful over ice cream!  I have one vine in my apple orchard that produced 82 fruit last year!  Most vines produce far less, perhaps 8-12 each.  How many (seeds) would you like?  Send me your address.
7 years ago