Ive noticed the dates on this are from awhile ago.. & im not sure if this will reach anyone but this is the closest thing to what Im looking for so maybe I can get an answer..
My sister had a dog named Zeke, I wanna sound hes german shepherd & bloodhound mix.. Well the dog next door was in heat & he drove her crazy whining so she asked if we'd take him for awhile.. Long story short, we have him permanently now.
We also have two pygmy goats, one slightly smaller than the dog & one way smaller than the dog. The baby goat I noticed was laying on his side this.morning, not breathing or moving.. I didnt have the heart to bury him so I waited til my boyfriend got home ( Dont judge me, Im seneitive when it coms to stuff like that ).. He got home & we walked out to the goat & his snout ( i guess thats what youd call it ) was completely gone. No bones left, no blood leaking anywhere, no nothing. It seriously looked like a clean cut. one of his horns was completely gone & the other was half way gone. I noticed the other goats horns looked like they had been chewed on.. Knowing dogs chew on bones, we thought maybe Zeke got ahold on the goat & is the reason he looked the way he did. But could he have done that ? Im scared bc I have an almost 5 month old & I too believe once a dog does something like that, they cant be trusted. I just dont know forsure if it was him or not bwcause he hasnt had any blood on him..