Adam Morrison

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since Jan 12, 2018
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Recent posts by Adam Morrison

Hey Stuart,

As someone looking to relocate to the Santa Cruz area and live in a land-based permie-type community, I'm dying to know how the story ends -- your post being about 5 years old
Adam in San Francisco
6 years ago
Hi Alisa-
Looks like I may be in your neck o the woods for part of October. Do you still need a hand with things on your 40 acres —or open for a visit?

6 years ago
I'd be excited to visit and work on your land-- building, repair projects, gardening, etc for a day or two. (I'm up in SF but I have a van with a bed in back for sleeping.) Perhaps even as soon as late next week--I have a pretty flexible schedule.

I'm no permaculture genius (more of a city guy) but I've taken a couple PDC's and I'm enthusiastic about learning, contributing and meeting new people with a shared vision and who are doing stuff.


PS I'm especially interested in meeting regenerative peeps in Central and SoCal, since I want to move down that way---that's why I'm looking to connect with you, FYI
6 years ago
To address the first part of your query about how people find the intentional communities they settle on, i'm guessing a lot of folks use the directory on the FIC website....

Seems like there needs to be a better way to help funnel people to where they want to go as far as intentional communities, ecovillages, permie projects etc. To me the lack of information available has been kind of frustrating
6 years ago
Hi- I’m seeking to move from Norcal to a community in Central or SoCal.

Natural Buliding, Growing Food, Off Grid, multigenerational, sociocracy, NVC, regenerative earth practices, stewardship, consensus, community dinners, having fun, greywater, ecoliteracy learning opportunities, land trust, equitable power sharing, solar and wind power

These are some of the goodies I’m looking for.

Got any leads/ideas for me?

Adam in San Francisco
6 years ago