Cameron Pierre

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since Jan 31, 2018
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Recent posts by Cameron Pierre

My tomatoes died off in early august this year might be nitrogen or a fungul disease and i can't determine what it is. Should i just replace the soil in my raised bed and clean my tools?
6 years ago
I live near the ocean on what you might call a mini homestead. We have fruit tress, large vegetable garden, homemade composting area, flowers, citrus... We have lots of fog in summer, and rainy winter/spring. I was researching rainwater harvesting techniques and came across something that would change the game for us in the summer since we get almost no rain, but lots of fog. Basically what they do is use some sort of mesh to harvest the water that's contained in the fog. I am curious if there is any salt in the fog, since we are near the ocean. Wouldn't it be nice to harvest rainwater and make salt at home? Please leave in the comments what you think about this idea. I might be a little optimistic.
6 years ago
Ok, thanks for the tips. I was just out catching some slugs on my cabbage plants. They're a real problem here!

6 years ago
Hello. New to the forum. I'm interested in making my own natural decaf teas to help me sleep better. I'd like to grow lots of chamomile and echinacea. I'm not sure how i should start doing this. If anyone has any experience feel free to leave a comment. In my climate it is very dry summers wet winters. Bay Area, CA. Should I direct seed into the soil during spring? Also, my soil is hard to work with, I'm thinking of tilling then doing a cover crop or put some compost and letting it just decompose in the dirt to add some nutrients. I'm not sure if anyone here has grown these flowers, and whether they need water in the summer? If they do should i do overhead? I'm also growing other ornamentals like gladiolus and iris. My garden plot for chamomile and echinacea is 25'x16'. I have room to expand if need be. Cheers!!
7 years ago