Robert Lacy

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since Feb 06, 2018
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Yeah, that makes sense. It'll probably be 10,000+ lbs.
7 years ago

Mike Jay wrote:How many years from now will you be doing this?  

If the environmental choice is between buying a Tesla pickup to move your home every other year or renting a truck to move it, I think the answer is clear.  It's kind of like if you could buy a $100,000 electric airplane to take two trips a year instead of renting a seat on a Delta flight.  The electric plane would be more efficient during those flights, but the environmental cost to build it for those two trips would be staggering.  (I'm assuming the cost to build a Tesla pickup is greater than the cost for the model 3)

As long as we're thinking crazy thoughts...  How much does the model 3 you'd buy cost?  And how much does a used Prius or Leaf cost by comparison?  I'm guessing $10-20K less?  How much environmental benefit could you sponsor with that money instead of sinking it into a new car?

It's funny, I didn't think of the environmental impact of manufacturing a new vehicle. However, I do want to go with Tesla, because they provide a great supercharging network, software updates, etc. So, a used Model S or even Model 3 by that time could work.

I was thinking more along the lines of having to rent a gasoline powered vehicle, versus buying an electric. I wasn't even thinking that by the time I'd want to move it, there would probably be EV pickups that I could rent... So, yeah haha I'll probably go with a Model 3 or S. I just do love the Tesla atmosphere and experience, and want to put that money towards a company that is truly working towards the future. I know I'm biased, but what can I say?

See, I keep thinking in terms that the world (or the U.S.) is going to end at some point in the near future. So, sometimes I get carried away with trying to be as self sufficient as possible, but how realistic is that, really? I mean, is it logical to think the world might end in my lifetime?

Anyways, thanks! I think I have my answer, I'm not a truck person, so I think just renting would be fine.
7 years ago

Peter VanDerWal wrote:The rules are likely to vary from one state to another, sometimes from one county to another.  

Your best bet is to ask the people that will be issuing the license what they require.

That's true, I guess it just depends on where I end up. I'm hoping that if a permanent address is required, I can get by with a UPS or other mail box (not P.O. box obviously).
7 years ago
I should point out that in terms of buying, I'm only willing to buy an EV.

So, I want to be as environmentally friendly as possible. And I don't plan on moving my tiny house very often at all (at most, once every few years, that is, if I build one). I want the next vehicle I buy to be an electric, specifically a Tesla. I'm currently in high school, about to go off to college, and really want to build a tiny house when I get out. The only reason I would consider buying a Tesla pickup is so I can move my tiny house, and would otherwise probably buy a Model 3. Is it worth the extra money to just go for their truck? I mean, I do want to be as self sufficient as possible (solar panels, a well for water, etc), and not being able to move my house on my own could eventually be an issue. I'm now realizing that this is probably a personal preference issue, but what do y'all think?
7 years ago

stephen lowe wrote:A rented mailbox will work, also I have a po box on my cali drivers license because I just insisted to the DMV that I do not have postal service or an address where I live.

Awesome! So, a rented UPS box will work on my driver's license in like any state, they won't think anything? I'll probably end up trying to use it as my address on my license before I actually build the tiny home.
7 years ago
Note: I'm speaking of in terms of the U.S.

So, this is really the only thing I'm concerned about at this point. I don't really care whether or not I can live in my tiny house legally wherever I end up, if The Man comes, I move, or stay. I also don't plan on building a tiny house to any sort of code, unless I have to, I do plan on having it connected to solar power as well as a well (pun not intended ) so I don't know if I'd have to build to code for that. Anyways, onto the question, what have y'all done to have a permanent address for a driver's license? Could I buy land, put a mailbox on it, and call that an address, or does it have to be a permanent home? Also, could I use a UPS box? I heard that works. I don't want to use something like a friend's address for a couple reasons. So, thoughts? I really want me having a tiny home to be a reality, so hopefully y'all have some ideas.
7 years ago