posting here and on 48hrs as requested. Thank you for your time. Also, I realized that I wrote "I have to know before I forget". How rude can I be. ugh!!
> I'm reading as fast as I can, but I have to know before I forget. Regarding a post from 2009 Underground Housing, did you build the structure pictured for $1k?
> Post by: paul wheaton , master steward
> Jun 10, 2009 07:29:23
> +1 -1 Quote Report
> So I'm combining a lot of ideas from a lot of people and coming to a new space amd I just need to express it.
> First, we have
> Sepp, building a shelter in a day (above).
> Total cost for the structure is about $1000 (two layers of felt and one layer of pond liner) plus the cost of the track-hoe. Note that the soil is a meter deep over the structure.
> And then we have Mike Oehler's designs that are in many ways similar - with light coming in all four directions.
> Then add in the idea of the umbrella architecture:
below this was a picture of the dwelling