Horseweed and sunflowers are the prevalent weeds, I'm hoping the goats will help with both, but I've not had experience with goats so I"m not sure if they are truly the weed eating machines people make them out to be. Hoping if we add Guinea hogs they would also help with this. I don't need a perfect pasture, or a manicured lawn, but I would like to maximize the food output for the animals to add other livestock if successful. From my understanding horseweed and sunflowers are not ideal for livestock, so while I"m fine if there are a few in my pasture, I have areas that have totally choked out the grass and clover because they both grow much taller faster.
I have never heard of a two wheel tractor, I may look into that. Riding would be preferable, but I have actually mowed the whole 5 acres with a push mower at one point(it sucked) so splitting it up into 1 acre mows weekly with something designed to handle the height might actually be feasible.