Kent Thompson

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since Mar 01, 2018
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Thanks for the reply CK.  I am also wary of a hole in my building envelope.  I'm considering the window to chute/slide idea mentioned previously.  The reason in my mind for some sort of chute is to get the food scraps farther away from the exterior wall, mostly so it's not a consistently damp place.  My compost bucket often contains water from rinsing out my coffee apparatus.  Without a chute, I'm not sure I could throw the bucket contents well enough not to just have a sloppy wall.  Maybe a better solution is a small compost bucket on a broom handle.    Only half joking.

My compost pile does pretty well for what I want from it with limited interaction.  I imagine this routine would involve periodic raking of whatever the chickens pass over into a more conventional pile, so it would get an occasional inspection.

Very interested to hear from someone that's tried it to see if they gave up after dealing with a residue-y chute like you point out being a potential problem.  I should probably just give it a shot and report back.  
6 years ago
I'm considering doing this.  For those that have tried it, what material did you use?  Any problems?  Any tips/tricks?

6 years ago