Alex Naeger

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since Mar 04, 2018
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Recent posts by Alex Naeger

I completely understand, you will hear from me tonight.
6 years ago
Is there anyway we would be able to speak on the phone?
6 years ago
Where do I send the fee because in willing to start selling everything today.
6 years ago
I failed to mention that I have a girlfriend, is she okay also? Would there be any way we would be able to speak so you and I could have a better grasp of the others intentions.

6 years ago
This is really something I want to do. I'm not the average 19 year old, I'm full of ambition and I want to be a part of this community. I love the outdoors and have been telling friends and family how I have been planning to be self sufficient. I was on the way to becoming a botanist but had decided to drop out to pursue this lifestyle. I have a lot to offer. This place seems like an eden. If you could either reply back or give me a call 573-836-3272. I want to be a part of this community. I have backgrounds in construction, electrician work, and extremely ingenuitive. I was admitted in engineering school but decided against it. Hopefully I'm not overdoing this plea, but this is something I've been wanting for a long time. I've been watching your videos on your establishment and I agree with your ideals and more naturalistic approach. The ecoconcious approach to this community is what attracts me the most. Sorry if this is a lot, but I know this is something I'd want.
6 years ago