Katherine Ross

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since Mar 11, 2018
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Bryant RedHawk wrote:My horticulture list of grape varieties by species does not show an "Imperial" anywhere, could this be a name made up by a company like Burpee? they are notorious for making up their own names for cultivars.


Thanks for the tip; I did a search by characteristics & got a couple possibilities to try under different names.
6 years ago

Ken W Wilson wrote:Maybe they could be known by another name? What are their characteristics?

Regarding Imperial grapes, not aware of alternative names, but they were popular a couple decades ago, they are dark purple & have seeds. If you know of any like that please let me know. Thanks!
6 years ago
We just moved to Missouri, in the Ozarks, & would like to grow the old Imperial variety of grapes. Does anyone know where we could get a cutting? Internet searching hasn't yielded any leads. Thank you!
6 years ago