I am in planning stages and have not bought the Book yet. I only have room for 12' of horizonal mass pipe with 3 each 90* and 2 each 45* then 6-7' of vertical to the 19' of 6" vertical triple wall stove pipe in a prefab chimney.
The chimney worked great for a regular wood stove .
Before I hurt my brain over this.
Assuming I build the RMH correctly with 6" heat riser and 55 gal bell/barrel ( i know there is a lot more to it)
My questions are :
Because of the lower exhaust temps is the long vertical chimney going to cause stawl problems or will it create more draw?
Since I don't have much room can't I build a taller mass "bench" for more mass? ( my area is 5' x 5' )
This is for supplemental heat in a well insulated 1500SF house on a basement the same size RMH would be in basement of course.
I am sure these answers are on here I just have not found them yet.
Thanks Joe B