jeroen joosse

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since Mar 29, 2018
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Thanks for the informative and encouraging replies. It will be difficult to get that kind of pipe here in greece, as no-one has outdoor furnaces, but I'm confident we can make something like that ourselves.

Travis: we don't have access to  a big quantity of sheep manure, but we can get a lot of horse manure, you think it has about the same insulation value?

I'll update here when the project continues.

Kind regards,
6 years ago
Hello all,

We have a Jean Pain-compost here made out of olive leaves manure, which has been giving us 60 degrees celsius water for 5 months. Right now the temperature is going down to 40 degrees at the moment.

So we are thinking to make a new one, and connect it to the house this time. There is one problem: there is no place right next to the house, so we have to make it further away.
We have a place about 4 meters lower than the house and at a 15 meter distance. We hope to get a thermosiphon working, the only problem is the heat loss from the pipes.

Does anyone know/have experience with insulation for hot water pipes and if it would be possible to get hot water inside after running 15 meters outside(in an insulated pipe)?

Kind regards,
6 years ago