Riley Hughes

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since Mar 29, 2018
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I just recently (7 days ago) began the process of incubating some of my chicken eggs. I learned today that eggs are supposed to be stored and incubated pointy end down to prevent bacteria from getting into the yolk. Most of what I can find online alludes to this being a very important detail. My question for you all is this. How important is it actually? and is it too late, 7 days in, to try and flip them over? I know I need to be turning them but will it hurt them to flip them completely on their heads now that the have already started to develop?

I know a lot of incubators, especially older ones that don't auto-turn, are designed for the eggs to just rest on their sides in a hatching tray. I'm assuming there was a enough success with that for people to keep producing and uysing those types of incubators. So as a second (or third?) question, is what really matters that the egg is NOT pointed pointy side up? not the the egg must be placed pointy side down?
1 year ago
Look up "car siding", It has nothing to do with cars and I don't know why it is called that.. Pine is far more affordable than cedar. I did my vaulted ceilings with it and it turned out great. It is a bit pricier than sheet rock, but everything is.. Sheetrock is the cheapest option barring the old wood paneling stuff from the 70's.

Another thing I used in my house were those big ply wood panels that they use to side sheds with.
2 years ago
As a child I would get covered in it. I have pictures when I was on the park board soccer team where my face was red with it and my eyes nearly swollen shut. As I got older I started to not be as affected by it, but this may be due to the fact that the older you get the less likely you are to be crawling around in it while playing in the woods. I had also learned what it looked like so got much better at avoiding it. I had convinced myself though that I had developed more of an immunity although immunity isn't really the right word I think because a lot of people have no reaction it is technically an allergy that affects 50-75% of the population.

Last week I mowed a trail through a field and mowed through a large patch of poison ivy, I then walked my trail immediately after. I must have come into contact with a significant amount of the poison ivy oil that head been chopped and splattered through the trail from the mower. I i'm currently recovering from one of the worst full body outbreaks I have ever had.

I say all of this because I think individuals have a wide spectrum of resistance to the stuff. I can usually touch it carefully and not end up with much more than a couple of small spots that I can shrug off, this has been the case for most of my adult life. But If I go thrashing it then roll around in the sap i'm going to break out worse. I just get an itchy rash. Some people have much worse reactions requiring steroids or hospitalization, I also know people who can rip it out by hand and have no reaction.

I also know people who mistakenly think Virginia creeper is poison ivy because it makes them breakout.

People are allergic to the chemicals in plants to different extents just like with food and pollen. So it is perfectly possible that some people have no reaction at all.
2 years ago

Ben Child wrote:

Riley Hughes wrote:I'm a software engineer, don't know if that is of anu use to you. Your land looks incredible btw

I don’t know …cause I’m really more of a Luddite and new to doing this ..does video editing come easy , to you ?

Are you minimalist minded ?

Video editing is pretty easy but Animation is a different story so which are you looking for specifically? What do you mean when you ask if i am minimalist minded? Do I not own very many things? do I like minimalist art? do I use an appropriate number of commas when writing? All of it?
2 years ago
I'm a software engineer, don't know if that is of anu use to you. Your land looks incredible btw
2 years ago

David N Black wrote:I watched the first two videos and they are great, I'm subscribed.

I am learning QGIS at the moment after going through a similar arc through various software suites.  My background is more in using 3d design software (Solidworks in particular) and I still have a lot to learn about things like QGIS.  Keep up the great videos!

Hey thanks!, I plan to get the next one out this week. Been working on a lot of things at once so It hasn't happened as quickly as I originally planned. I appreciate the feedback
2 years ago
the flame weeder is probably the way to go for the driveway.

Another possibility is to use glycerol. if you know anyone with a biodiesel maker you could probably get as much as you could ever want on the cheap. It's a byproduct of the chemical reaction that converts vegetable oil into fuel. It's not pure glycerin though so I don't know how "organic" the impurities are. Glycerol itself though should be perfectly safe as its been used in food, cosmetics, and even fed directly to pigs. A little bit of dilution in water and you should have a very effective weed/grass killer. Just don't over do it or spray it anywhere that you might want to grow something in the future.
2 years ago