Abrianna Kremer

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since Apr 13, 2018
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Recent posts by Abrianna Kremer

Good Morning!

My family and I (husband and 4 children) are relocating to Maine in May. We met at Unity College years ago and we've been itching to get back to Maine since we left. My husband has secured a year round position near Ellsworth and we are looking for a homestead/intentional community/farm that would be interested in hosting us (within an hour of Ellsworth). Our dream has been to start our own homestead in Maine for many years. We are going to spend a year or so searching for the right piece of property, but in the mean time, we'd like to live in a place with like minded people. My husband has many skills to contribute to the homestead, including years of creative construction, pole barn installation, a green thumb, and lots of knowledge pertaining to living in tune with the land. I have basic/moderate knowledge of the use of herbal remedies, essential oils, and natural medicine. I also enjoy gardening and growing our own food, although my thumb is not as near as green as my husbands. Our oldest child is homeschooled, the rest are too young still. If anyone has any information or leads for us, we would greatly appreciate it!! Questions are welcomed.

Thank You!!

6 years ago