Chasity Stewart

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since May 07, 2018
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They found a weak spot and charged under the fence.
6 years ago
Wes Hunter I completely understand. They unfortunately got out of out fence. We looked for hours for them. They returned to an old area where we lived in the past. Im definitely paying for it and want no sympathy just advice as to whether I should consider re coming one of the two far away or continue to try to contain them. They are in a chain link fence and we have now been putting on a runner as well. I just have fear if something crazy happens or if one may run out of a door seeing as to how they are house dogs.
6 years ago
The dogs was found roaming on the property. No blood or injuries to either dog. Unfortunately the goat owner isnt being very nice. I'm paying a hefty vet bill. The sad thing is I'm afraid of one of the dogs getting out again and going back. I'm doing everything in my power to stop that but I live in constant fear. I love her dearly and am to the point of trying to re home her far away to stay out of legal trouble. It's just a sad situation.
6 years ago
The sad thing is is was a neighbor s goat. It's causing so much trouble. Im such praying for the right answer. Thank you
6 years ago
I have 2 dogs who was accused of attacking a goat. They was on the property. The thing is neither one had a drop of blood on them. I don't know but assume that they would. Also if I have fear of it happening again should I re home one of the two? To separate them. If they get out of fence together there is no stopping them they seem to feed off each other.
6 years ago