Tamara Heinemann

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since May 09, 2018
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Recent posts by Tamara Heinemann

Thanks Peter.
No. I've not looked at board and batten. I will check it out though.
I read somewhere I could focus my air sealing on the exterior plywood. Taping and caulking. That was my first defense hoping to not have to worry so much about interior air sealing. But these sorts of things are why I posted my ideas to see others opinions.
Again thanks.

6 years ago
Hoping to get some opinions.
We are building a fairly conventional house but want to build with natural materials both for environment and health. I am in zone 3 high desert so we are mixed/dry.  I wanted to post  my wall to see if I am missing anything important. It is positioned for passive solar heating and cooling and natural ventiliation ( I won't have a HRV system). I am most concerned about preventing mold and having decent air.
I am not able to do earthen wall's (though that was my first choice) . now it is wood frame.
So. From the outside working in I have
#1 wood shiplap siding (painted)
#2 3/8" air gap
#3 furring strips
#4 Housewrap (this is my biggest question. I don't really want to use tyvek and can't use felt paper. Wonder if I need it?)
#5 plywood taped to increase some air barrier.
#6 2×6 studs
#7 Rock wool cavity insulation
#8 shiplap interior wall ( either painted with a natural type paint or beeswaxed)

Does anyone see any potential problems with this design?  
6 years ago