Elise Atkins

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since May 21, 2018
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Recent posts by Elise Atkins

Hello! I am about to start building my own Tiny House in Greenville, SC, and I would LOVE LOVE LOVE any willing and able humans to lend a helping hand during the construction process! If you live near the area, please please let me know because that would make my heart so happy. I would also love as much wisdom and tips as I could possibly have, so the more help the better. Thank you so much!
6 years ago
Hello! I live not too far from Atlanta, and I'm trying to find land so desperately so build my earthbag/cob house on, but I can't seem to find any place that's close enough to the city, but far enough where I'm able to actually have an acre. Definitely outside of Fulton County!

Is there a community land sharing opportunity within reasonable distance to Atlanta? I'm getting a little discouraged and would just LOVE some encouragement on this new adventure of my life!

Thank you in advance!!
6 years ago
Thank you so much for your sweet reply, Michelle! Yes, I would love to check your farm out on Instagram and see what you're up to!

My username is @eliseakin

I know it won't be easy, but I know the perfect land will pop up. Thank you again for reaching back out!

6 years ago

I currently live in Atlanta, Ga, and I am DESPERATE to find land around me (it can be outside of ATL, no problem), because I'm just feeling so stuck and want to build my earthbag/cob house/tiny house asap! I have a friend who also wants to build a little cob home with me, so we would build ours next to each other.

I am getting really discouraged because land is so expensive, but maybe there's a community nearby that has land for tiny homes and community eco-living, so I would appreciate as much wisdom as you can possibly give me.

This has been my dream for so long and I just don't know the next step to take on how to find land to build it on!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, I appreciate it so much.

6 years ago

I currently live in Atlanta, Ga, and I am DESPERATE to find land around me (it can be outside of ATL, no problem), because I'm just feeling so stuck and want to build my earthbag/cob house/tiny house asap! I have a friend who also wants to build a little cob home with me, so we would build ours next to each other.

I am getting really discouraged because land is so expensive, but maybe there's a community nearby that has land for tiny homes and community eco-living, so I would appreciate as much wisdom as you can possibly give me.

This has been my dream for so long and I just don't know the next step to take on how to find land to build it on!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, I appreciate it so much.

6 years ago
Hello! I currently live in Atlanta, Ga, and I am DESPERATE to find land around me (it can be outside of ATL, no problem), because I'm just feeling so stuck and want to build my earthbag/cob house asap! I have a friend who also wants to build a little cob home with me, so we would build ours next to each other.

I am getting really discouraged because land is so expensive, but maybe there's a community nearby that has land for tiny homes and community eco-living, so I would appreciate as much wisdom as you can possibly give me.

This has been my dream for so long and I just don't know the next step to take on how to find land to build it on!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, I appreciate it so much.

6 years ago
Hello guys! Has anyone found any good tips and tricks on getting past the codes/zoning rules? I live near Atlanta, but I want to build my earthbag house a little outside of the city, to avoid crazy taxes and traffic and all that jazz. Also, if anyone knows of anyone building a cob house soon, I would love to come help and lend a hand so that I could also learn how to build my own. Thank you for reading all of this!
6 years ago