David Marks wrote:Hi David,
If you have a chance, I would love to hear your thoughts on the strength of alcohol for Muellin or just in general.
Well Sharol handled this question very nicely but I wanted to add since you asked, that you can dilute your alcohol menstruum down a bit if you want. For dried herbs, I usually go with 50% alcohol, so if you're using 160 proof, you're already at 80%. You can add a bit of spring water to make it a little more palatable. I like adding the water at the beginning of the tincturing process because I want the plant's water-soluble properties in the tincture as well. For fresh herbs, I raise the amount of alcohol just a touch since the fresh plant contains water. It really depends on the herb that I'm using and how moist of an herb it is.
Hope that helps
ETA - oh, and another note, you didn't waste a batch of herbs and vodka. You can adjust it now if you like, or dilute it a bit later. And as far as grinding goes, some folks use a blender and blend the entire thing; herbs & alcohol together. I think it's perfectly suitable (and preferable, for me) to chop or cut the herbs a bit to increase the surface area. I don't blend or pulverize though because I've never found it necessary. I think the idea behind blending is to decrease your tincture time (or at least that's mostly what I've heard) but I just leave my tinctures to work their magic for 4-8 weeks, depending on what I'm making, and end up with beautifully potent & balanced tinctures.