Nishan Adelshian

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since Jun 04, 2018
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Casie, I do like the idea of row paths through the areas that change the most. In fact, this might relieve some of the burden a bed might have during a heavy rain, as Chris points out.

Chris, the hillside has somewhere between a 5 and 10% grade and it's fairly consistent. We get 15" of rainfall per year but we're due for an El Nino according to forecasts. The concern of washout, therefore, is a real one.

Deeper pathways and high raised beds, with pathways at the points where slope increases considerably, might reduce blowout during heavy rain events, correct?
6 years ago
I've read through some of the posts from people who share my situation: I'm planning on building raised beds on sloping land for a market garden. The consensus is that the beds should be built on contour.

I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the spacing between beds. If I follow the contour lines exactly, wouldn't the beds or space between beds be wider or narrower in places? In order to achieve even spacing, should I use some "average" or standardized contour lines?

I might be completely off in my thinking.
6 years ago